The first summer season of fossil walks at Watchet with local geologists Dave and Andy (‘DnA’) proved to be a big hit with fossil enthusiasts ranging from 6 to 60 years young attending. The weather was good – the fossils were great – with plenty of Devil’s toe-nails (oysters) and large ammonites seen on all the walks which finished with a look at the unique 200 million year old ‘Fossil Islands’ with their Nautilus shells, sea-lilies (‘star stones’), clams and giant worms!
Andy and Dave are already planning more fossil walks at Watchet and elsewhere along the Somerset coast next year. The guys are always interested to hear of any unusual or large fossil finds – or if any individuals or groups want a fossil / geology walk or tour arranging. Contact details and further information are available from Louise at the Watchet Visitor Centre, 01984 632 101.