
You will need: A mobile phone, sturdy footwear, fossil code of conduct, tide timetable.

A great way to explore Watchet and find out about all the amazing fossils here is to use this brand new geology geo-cache game called Palaeo Quest on your mobile phone.
(You will need to have internet access and your location turned on)

There are two trails to choose from:

The first trail is on the Watchet coastline where you can use the game to find some truly beautiful fossils and as you find each clue, learn a little about what it is and why it is here.  For this trail you will need sturdy footwear and a good understanding of what the tide is doing (click here for tide times). Please also see the Fossil Collecting Code of Conduct.

The second trail is an easy access trail that takes you around Watchet town.  Follow the clues and solve the puzzle!  Once completed come back to the Watchet Visitor Centre and receive your prize!

Click here to start Palaeo Quest 

Or use the QR Code below.