Month: July 2019

Shanty Singing Virgin!


So, last night I went into Watchet to Pebbles Tavern. Where I had my very first experience of Watchet Shanty Singing. As a shanty virgin, I was horrified to discover that the singing wasn’t just a spectator event, but a participation one!

Ably led by David Milton, Watchet’s Common Crier and Bell Man the audience sang along to his opening number. Then the floor was open for those around to sing their favorite shanty with or without the participation of the swelling numbers in the Tavern.

And then the unthinkable…….my turn!

Now, I spend all my day in the Visitor Centre which is attached to the Boat Museum and If you’ve visited recently you will know that I listen to shanty singing all day long. But guess what, I couldn’t think of one single shanty that I could sing!!

But then it came to me the most irritating shanty ever….

I heard, I heard the old man say, hey
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
Today is a holiday
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
Tura yay, oh, tura yay,
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
We’ll work tomorrow, but not today
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
We’ll work tomorrow, but not today
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
Tura yay, oh, tura yay,
We’re bout aaway from frisko bay


Why is it the most irritating I hear you say?

Because that’s the one the Boat Museum CD player gets stuck on!

If you’d like to experience a Watchet Shanty night the next one in Pebbles Tavern is 20th August. Or check out their web page

Fossil Hunters Wanted!


Last seasons fossil walks at Watchet with local geologists Dave and Andy (D’n’A) proved to be a big hit with fossil enthusiasts of all ages. Hunters found plenty of Devil’s toe-nails (oysters) and large ammonites on all the walks. Each walk was finished with a look at the unique ‘Fossil Islands’ with their Nautilus shells, sea-lilies (‘star stones’), clams and giant worms!


Get those wellies on ‘cos although we’ve got fossils we’ve also got MUD!

Dave and Andy have arranged three fossil walks this summer 20th July, 17th August and 31st August 2019. Each of the walks starts at 2pm at Watchet Visitor Centre. (Please get there 10 minutes early) Booking is advised as places are limited. Adults £4.00 Children £2.50


D’n’A are always interested to hear of any unusual or large fossil finds.


Any individuals or groups wanting a fossil/geology walk or a tour arranging please contact Fiona at the Watchet Visitor Centre 01984 632 101 for more information.

Dinosaurs are coming…….

Almost extinct, Watchet is one of only two West Somerset Towns to still have a Carnival and this year we’re hoping for something bigger and better!

With a changed format the Carnival committee are hoping to make this event a bit different.


The traditional Carnival Procession will take place at 6pm on Saturday 27th July.  Walking entries and floats accompanied by bands and majorettes. Get your thinking caps on and get involved, entries are still being added!

Come and join the Carnival Queen and the Carnival Drag Queen for an evening of fun and entertainment!


On Sunday 28th July a tradition Carnival Fete will take place at the Memorial Ground, from 12.00 to 5.00pm.

There will be afternoon entertainment, stalls and activities for all to join in.

And watch out for the Dinosaur………..