So, last night I went into Watchet to Pebbles Tavern. Where I had my very first experience of Watchet Shanty Singing. As a shanty virgin, I was horrified to discover that the singing wasn’t just a spectator event, but a participation one!
Ably led by David Milton, Watchet’s Common Crier and Bell Man the audience sang along to his opening number. Then the floor was open for those around to sing their favorite shanty with or without the participation of the swelling numbers in the Tavern.
And then the unthinkable…….my turn!
Now, I spend all my day in the Visitor Centre which is attached to the Boat Museum and If you’ve visited recently you will know that I listen to shanty singing all day long. But guess what, I couldn’t think of one single shanty that I could sing!!
But then it came to me the most irritating shanty ever….
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
Today is a holiday
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
Tura yay, oh, tura yay,
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
We’ll work tomorrow, but not today
John kanaka kanaka tura yay,
Tura yay, oh, tura yay,
Why is it the most irritating I hear you say?
Because that’s the one the Boat Museum CD player gets stuck on!