Month: July 2022

Watchet Summertime 2022

With the school holidays nearly upon us here in Watchet we are all looking for things to do to keep the children (and the adults) occupied. One of Watchet’s best events of the school holidays is the Watchet Summertime. A free week of events for all the family. Sunday 14th August until Saturday 20th August.

There have been a number of changes to the old summertime format, but we know that the new ‘Night of Lights’ will be a hit and we hope you will all join in. The fireworks return for the Saturday Night.

A full programme is available on the link below

Watchet Summertime Programme

Sea of Songs 2022


Watchet is getting ready for musicians, artists and poets to return for the second ‘Sea of Songs’ on 9th July 2022.

Fox Lane Studios with a help from Amy Yon have organised a day of music, art and media which all kicks off at 12.00 here in the Boat Museum. This non-profit music/arts festival aim is to encourage the audience to be part of the creative process and engage them in various activities.

David Milton will start the event at 12.00.  Tough Mama will be playing from 12.20pm and then Ellie Ford at 13.55pm here in the Boat Museum. There are other performances around town.

The programme for all the performances is here….. yeah!!!!