Category: Travel

Live Cameras at Watchet Station, West Somerset Railway

WSR Watchet 1

The web camera gives an excellent view of the approaches to Watchet Station which was originally the terminus of Brunels broad gauge that opened to Taunton in 1862. You’ll see trains arriving and departing to Minehead with the camera directly above departing locomotives providing a unique view onto the footplate as the crews prepare for the guards whistle.

WSR Watchet 2

The web camera gives an excellent view along the length of Watchet Station which was originally the terminus of Brunels broad gauge that opened to Taunton in 1862. You’ll see trains arriving and departing to Bishops Lydeard with the camera also providing far reaching views out across the Bristol Channel with the island of Steep Holm clearly visible. Watchet Marina, East Quay and the Goviers Lane foot crossing provide the backdrop of this ancient port of a 1000 years.

“…And I think to myself, what a wonderful Watchet.”

Spring has sprung and Watchet is waking. 

As the spring season fully embraces our captivating coastline, you may have noticed a rejuvenation in our town high street. March 23rd marked the reopening of the West Somerset railway and with it the Market House museum and Radio museum open their doors once again. A new shift in priorities after the initial shock of the Blue Anchor road closure has created an all round sense of hopefulness.

‘This year, Watchet will be a destination, not a cut through.’ 

And what a destination it is! 

Boasting an almost completely independent high street, with not one but two regular artisan markets and a pub for every type of drinker – Why not start your day with a breakfast at one of our charismatic cafes, enjoy a peruse of any of our brilliant museums or galleries. 

You could grab ingredients for a gourmet picnic from our deli or various suppliers of local produce, following that up with a wander around the unique independent shops. 

Perhaps ending with fish and chips on the esplanade and a tipple of your choosing, (often accompanied by live music) and you’d be hard-pressed not to call it a phenomenal day out! 

Watchet’s welcoming and creative community coupled with the beaches, stunning walks and proximity to many fantastic local amusements offers a rare opportunity for small businesses to thrive. Encouraging a style of working that allows for family and health first. Each business, run for passion, not just profit.

With activities, events and scenery to match, Watchet stands in good stead to become one of this years most coveted holiday destinations. This is thanks in no small part to a newly formed town centre group.

A collaborative collection of local business owners, focusing on supporting and encouraging small business, without shaming owners or hyper focusing on the negative. This powerhouse group aims to replace problems with positivity.

‘Watchet looks out for each other, we are a community first, families, first time business owners and even projects to support individuals with health issues. Watchet is about kindness.’ 

By re-centring the narrative of business around collaboration and communication, this group relieves the pressures of the ebb and flow of a town heavily influenced by the holiday seasons. Resting in the winter and supporting each other through a busy summer, allows the high street to navigate the seasonal flow that can often feel crippling to a coastal community. 

Practically, this means an ever busy line of communication between individual businesses, formal and informal meetings to bolster a sense of connection and plan many of Watchets regular events, and even providing a line to help when an individual is struggling at work. The businesses may be independent but the high street is united.

We can only speculate what will happen next, but with such positivity permeating the local area, one can only watch as wonderful Watchet grows.

DLPayne 2024

Practising for Retirement!

Have you ever thought ‘I can’t wait until I can retire?’ I know I have!

Good News! Watchet has vacancies for those practising for retirement!

Why not book yourself in for a mid week break or a long weekend and start practising NOW!

Watchet offers retirement practise for those who want to live the quiet life
or those who aim to retire disgracefully!!!

If Art is your bag why not paint your own work of art at Serendipity Cafe, take in a workshop at East Quay or if that’s too quiet for you, why not paint the town red with a little tipple in one of our CAMRA recognised bars! Both Pebbles Tavern and The Esplanade Club have a reputation for great ale and live music.

Take a wander along the Esplanade looking at the boats, imagine owning your very own yacht or schooner whilst sipping a Caramel Latte from Sam’s Deli or licking a locally made Styles Ice cream from The Marina Shop.

Take time out of your busy schedule, wander around the town popping into the shops. You can buy antiques from Beedle Corum , Adorium Antiques,The Treasury or Maries Place. Or retro and collectables from  Rogers Emporium including a fantastic selection of Lego for those of us who are still young at heart.

Why not spend some of the the kids inheritance on an object of beauty from  The Linda Cotton Gallery?

Join in with one of the Events arranged for the year, Jubilee event, 1940s, Music Festival, Caturns just to name a few. Ride the Steam train, go sea fishing, take a walk along the Coastal path or mineral line, enjoy a cream tea, have a meal out there is plenty for everyone’s tastes. And far too many other things to do to mention all of them here.

Why not get some retirement practise in Watchet? You know you want to!

PS. The photo is me practising for a disgraceful retirement!