Have you ever thought ‘I can’t wait until I can retire?’ I know I have!
Good News! Watchet has vacancies for those practising for retirement!
Why not book yourself in for a mid week break or a long weekend and start practising NOW!
Watchet offers retirement practise for those who want to live the quiet life
or those who aim to retire disgracefully!!!
If Art is your bag why not paint your own work of art at Serendipity Cafe, take in a workshop at East Quay or if that’s too quiet for you, why not paint the town red with a little tipple in one of our CAMRA recognised bars! Both Pebbles Tavern and The Esplanade Club have a reputation for great ale and live music.
Take a wander along the Esplanade looking at the boats, imagine owning your very own yacht or schooner whilst sipping a Caramel Latte from Sam’s Deli or licking a locally made Styles Ice cream from The Marina Shop.
Take time out of your busy schedule, wander around the town popping into the shops. You can buy antiques from Beedle Corum , Adorium Antiques,The Treasury or Maries Place. Or retro and collectables from Rogers Emporium including a fantastic selection of Lego for those of us who are still young at heart.
Why not spend some of the the kids inheritance on an object of beauty from The Linda Cotton Gallery?
Join in with one of the Events arranged for the year, Jubilee event, 1940s, Music Festival, Caturns just to name a few. Ride the Steam train, go sea fishing, take a walk along the Coastal path or mineral line, enjoy a cream tea, have a meal out there is plenty for everyone’s tastes. And far too many other things to do to mention all of them here.
Why not get some retirement practise in Watchet? You know you want to!
PS. The photo is me practising for a disgraceful retirement!