Category: Pubs

Celebrate Autumn in Watchet 2022


As the nights draw in and the wind begins to blow Autumn is quickly upon us! Why not pop into Watchet and see what’s going on. The local shops have started to dress their windows with their Autumn Stock.

With the half term break at the end of October check out the the things you can do!


There is a Fairy Trail from the Visitor Centre and some of the shops will have treat baskets for the children completing the trail!  Why not hunt for a Woodland Creature Pebble around the town? Each pebble will send you to the place to collect your prize!

Look out for a Hedgehog Event with a Hedgehog craft, information about looking after local hedgehogs and a colouring competition.

One of last years colouring entries ……….. isn’t it fantastic!

Cosmo the Robot is visiting the Library with interactive fun and story telling. Serendipity Cafe have Halloween ornaments for you to paint and East Quay have Gargole themed creative workshops!

There is a Fossil Walk and a Spooky Walk from the Visitor Centre as part of the half term fun.

Then at the end of the week there is a choice of Parties for Halloween, whether you are a child or an adult there is something for you!

Follow the link to see what you can do during half term!

Programme of events


Watchet 1940s Home Front 2022

Watchet 1940s Weekend will soon be upon us!

Dig out your 1940s dresses, Suits and uniforms and get yourself ready to party here in Watchet. There will be live music all over town! Plenty of places to eat. Stalls with 1940s/retro clothing, hats and other retro items. Military demonstrations and vintage cars. Museum attractions, Steamtrains and so much more………..

Getting dressed for the occasion.
We don’t expect perfection, but we do like you to join in! Ladies, dig out the tea dress you had for that wedding, you’ll be glad you did! Gentleman pop on that shirt and those slacks you only every wear at Christmas and you’ll fit right in!

Music and dancing!
There will be a full programme of live music on the Esplanade on the 10th and 11th. You’ll also find live music on the station platform and in many of the pubs. Have a wander around the town to check them all out.

The programme for the weekend entertainment is on the link below:

1940s weekend entertainment programme


The town will be dressed for the occasion, with bunting and flags. The shops will be bomb taped and many of the shops will be manned with those dressed appropriately.

Cafes, restaurants and Bars!
There will be plenty of choice on both days of 1940s fare. Check out the pubs, restaurants and Bars, but check out the pop ups too. The WI, Holy Cross, the Visitor Centre and the market will also offer a selection of delicacies.

The contributors so far ……….

Watchet Visitor Centre and Boat Museum present their popular Cheese & Cider evening, with live music on Friday 9th September. Tickets will be available shortly. Demonstrations of Rope Making will take place on both Saturday and Sunday morning. There will be a ticked event on Sunday afternoon.

Chives Cafe  will host Lily Lovejoy performing on Saturday 10th September. This ticketed event is almost sold out!

The Bell Inn will have a 1940s Specials board with their very popular ‘Spam Fritters’ on the menu. The staff and pub will be dressed for the occasion.

East Quay will have an Afternoon Tea with a ‘twist’ on both days.

The Star Inn will have a 1940s menu and they will dress the pub in a suitable style! The Land Rover will hopefully be out front!!

Cara Mann the hair dresser will be offering timed appointments for your ‘up’ hair do. Make sure you book early as the appointments are limited.

Adorium Antiques will have 1940s curios and a selection of militaria for sale over the Forties weekend.

St Margaret’s Hospice Shop has been saving up its 1940s dresses and gloves etc and these will be on sale over the 1940s weekend.

The very popular Holy Cross Tea Room will be available both Saturday and Sunday, with plates of home made cakes and sandwiches.

Clathers has a wonderful selection of ditzy print Tea Dresses to start your outfit for the event!


Watchet 1940s Weekend 2021


The clocks go back to the 1940s for a whole weekend of nostalgia!

The bunting has been ironed, props have been brought out of storage, dresses bought for 2019 have been adjusted for the expanded waists of 2021! The pubs and restaurants are buying in their war time rations, liver and onions, corned beef and Izal loo paper. The Home Front Committee are in full panic!

The 10th, 11th and 12th September will see Watchet invaded by large groups of re-enactors. As part of the West Somerset Railway ’40s Weekend, Watchet once again goes all out to re-create a 1940s town. Shops and businesses will have bomb taped windows, shop windows will be dressed, cafes and pubs will serve 40s fare.


The very first event of the weekend will be a Tea Dance at the Royal British Legion 3.30pm until 5.30pm. This free event will get the party started and is an ideal opportunity to practise those moves, oil those joints and pick up a dance partner!

Friday night in Watchet Visitor Centre and Boat Museum there will be live music from May Blossom and Cathy. Book your tickets for this event at


The arrival of the re-enactors from all over the country will see Watchet’s population explode! Saturday has a full program of entertainment on the Esplanade, West Somerset Brass, Watchet Community Choir, stalls, 40s singing groups and individuals. Vintage cars and military personnel moving around the town. Tea shops filled with cake and pubs with liver and onions!!!

Saturday Night there will be another chance to hear live music in the Visitor Centre and Boat Museum, Betty Blue Bird and Tabi will entertain us with their 1940s repertoire.


The  Esplanade will be buzzing with Jazz music and the Liberty Sisters in the afternoon. Watchet Town Band, Watchet Community Choir, May Blossom and Betty Blue Bird will also feature on the program.

NEW FOR 2021

Watch out for Laurel and Hardy who will be visiting at some point over the weekend.

Check out the Towns newest Museum, the Radio Museum in Anchor Street.

Watchet 1940s Leaflet Link
Watchet 1940s Weekend 2021

Watchet Entertainment Link
2021-watchet programme

The Watchet 1940s Home Front Group have negotiated free parking for the weekend at the Paper Mill Site on Brendon Road, Watchet, TA23 0AY. Park all day for free, a short walk into town, less hassle than trying to park in a town car park!