Watchet 1940s Weekend 2021


The clocks go back to the 1940s for a whole weekend of nostalgia!

The bunting has been ironed, props have been brought out of storage, dresses bought for 2019 have been adjusted for the expanded waists of 2021! The pubs and restaurants are buying in their war time rations, liver and onions, corned beef and Izal loo paper. The Home Front Committee are in full panic!

The 10th, 11th and 12th September will see Watchet invaded by large groups of re-enactors. As part of the West Somerset Railway ’40s Weekend, Watchet once again goes all out to re-create a 1940s town. Shops and businesses will have bomb taped windows, shop windows will be dressed, cafes and pubs will serve 40s fare.


The very first event of the weekend will be a Tea Dance at the Royal British Legion 3.30pm until 5.30pm. This free event will get the party started and is an ideal opportunity to practise those moves, oil those joints and pick up a dance partner!

Friday night in Watchet Visitor Centre and Boat Museum there will be live music from May Blossom and Cathy. Book your tickets for this event at


The arrival of the re-enactors from all over the country will see Watchet’s population explode! Saturday has a full program of entertainment on the Esplanade, West Somerset Brass, Watchet Community Choir, stalls, 40s singing groups and individuals. Vintage cars and military personnel moving around the town. Tea shops filled with cake and pubs with liver and onions!!!

Saturday Night there will be another chance to hear live music in the Visitor Centre and Boat Museum, Betty Blue Bird and Tabi will entertain us with their 1940s repertoire.


The  Esplanade will be buzzing with Jazz music and the Liberty Sisters in the afternoon. Watchet Town Band, Watchet Community Choir, May Blossom and Betty Blue Bird will also feature on the program.

NEW FOR 2021

Watch out for Laurel and Hardy who will be visiting at some point over the weekend.

Check out the Towns newest Museum, the Radio Museum in Anchor Street.

Watchet 1940s Leaflet Link
Watchet 1940s Weekend 2021

Watchet Entertainment Link
2021-watchet programme

The Watchet 1940s Home Front Group have negotiated free parking for the weekend at the Paper Mill Site on Brendon Road, Watchet, TA23 0AY. Park all day for free, a short walk into town, less hassle than trying to park in a town car park!